New Week - New  Newsletter! - I.F. Supplements

New Week - New Newsletter!

Hey everyone, This is your Favourite Newsletter from Team IF!
Are you ready for this?!

New Week - New Newsletter!

The Story

IF Supplements came around from wanting to help people who are confused about supplements. I grow up think that vitamins and supplements are something you take when you are ill or deficient. I could not be more wrong. In the current world where food is less nutritious than it ever has been, we simply do not get enough through our diet to maintain the lifestyles we have. Everyone is super busy with work, kids, chores and so on. Life is just on the roll all the time. So, most of us do not have the time to eat right, to eat healthy, to get our 5a day, to keep that protein up, to get the energy. Therefore, we look at supplements, vitamins, protein, meal replacements, energy pills and other stuff to help us get through the day, well at least that is what I did when my life got too busy. This is where I ran into the problem you might have as well! What to take, where to buy, what is good, what is bad, how much to pay. The supplement market is huge! Vitamins, minerals, fat burners, carb powders left and right. Flashy logos, big signs and discounts make you jump from one brand to another, from one product to a different one. And I have tried it all from the cheapest brands of proteins which taste like chalk, protein bars to break your teeth on and supplements tested only on mice with minimal effect, to top of range the expensive supplements which actually don’t do anything. Once I even got my protein from a website in a completely different country, it took 3 months to arrive and it had 15 different shipping stickers on it (that parcel has seen some places). If only I knew then what I know now, if only there was a no BS Brand which would tell me how it is.
 And this is what the aim of IF Supplements is! Just a simple brand with no gimmicks, no fake advertising, no super sales. These are products I use, products I trust in, products I put my stamp and my word to. I have spent long time testing, trialling products to make sure quality is right, to make sure the price is right and to make sure this is something worth taking. So here you go, these are the products I use myself, I recommend to my clients, to my friends and even to my mom. No gimmicks, no lies – just good quality products from your friendly neighbourhood PT to give you an extra push. IF Supplements are not aimed at professional body builders, power lifters and professional runners who have a whole nutrition team working for them. We are here for busy moms and dads, accountants, teachers, your everyday athletes who have a full time jobs, kids and pets to look after and still want to make time for their gym session. We are here to give you that extra edge, so you can be just as awesome as we know you are! Stick with IF Supplements and you will have one less thing to worry about in your busy day.

New Week - New Newsletter!

What is the Difference between
Whey Isolate and Whey Concentrate?

There are several nutritional differences between whey isolate and concentrate. These differences are caused by the processing methods.
When the liquid whey is collected as a by-product of cheese or yogurt production, it undergoes several processing steps to increase its protein content.
After a sufficient protein concentration is achieved, the liquid can be dried to form whey concentrate powder that consists of up to 80% protein by weight. The remaining 20% of the whey concentrate powder contains carbohydrates and fats.
If different processing steps are used to reduce the fat and carbohydrate content of whey, a whey isolate powder containing 90% or more protein by weight can be produced.
Overall, the processing steps used in the production of whey isolate result in higher protein content and lower fat and carbohydrate content per serving.
However, the types of amino acids found in both forms of whey are virtually identical, since they are derived from the same proteins.
The table below shows the key differences between a standard whey isolate and whey concentrate supplement per 100-calorie serving:


Whey Isolate

Whey Concentrate





23 grams

18 grams


1 gram

3.5 grams


0 grams

1.5 grams


Up to 1 gram

Up to 3.5 grams




In addition to having lower total carbohydrate content, whey isolate also has lower lactose content. This means that it could be a better choice for those who are lactose intolerant.
Nevertheless, the amount of lactose in both forms of whey protein is likely to be low enough for those who are lactose intolerant to use.
In addition to their nutritional differences, there are cost differences between these two types of whey. Generally, whey isolate is more expensive than whey concentrate.

New Week - New Newsletter!

Fitness Gadget of the week

Aurora Ring

Currently only available to purchase from US this is one of the coolest smart gadgets I have seen in a while. Forget about your fit watch and make space on your finger for the Fit Ring! This is definitely the one to rule them all. The amount of data this little ring packs is amazing. And for a modest price of $299(£226) it is definitely worth checking out! Want to know more about Aurora ring? Check out the link to Website

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